The Great Gatsby: Cinematic Vs. Book

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The Great Gatsby: Cinematic vs. Book A movie usually helps a person visualize what the author is writing about. However, in the film “The Great Gatsby,” Baz Luhrmann did a poor job in capturing the essence of Fitzgerald’s prose. Baz Luhrmann omitted certain components while adding some of his own. The intense heat and Daisy's partiality towards Gatsby are some of the aspects from the novel that Baz Luhrmann incorporates in his cinematic interpretation. However, he also added his own climactic scene in which Gatsby loses his temper and starts to fight with Tom. So basically, Baz Luhrmann makes this scene--which wasn’t even in the novel--into the most important part of his film. Although this scene wasn’t in the novel, it did a decent job in

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