The Great Compromise Dbq Essay

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The most powerful tool an American citizen have is their power to vote. The ability to vote allows a citizen to be heard and allows them to make a change in the government. By, casting your vote you are electing a person to stand up for you and your values and speak on your behalf. This ability to vote came from the 15th amendment which states “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” The amendment was designed to protect the rights of the newly freed slaves after, the Civil War. Unfortunately, this amendment failed in different ways that lead to the oppression of minorities in America for almost 100 …show more content…

The Great Compromise gave equal representation in the government for all states meaning that the South has gain back the power they had lost after, the Civil War. The Great Compromise was used to bridge the gap between the South and the North and to restore the South back to it’s former “glory”. Although, this compromise was suppose to benefit the country as a whole it oppressed the newly granted rights the African American population has acquired. After, the Great Compromise the African Americans were being discriminated against and attacked because of their former role in society. The white population majority of them being in the South did not accept the African Americans as equals and citizens of the same country.With the whites back in control of the government many of these Southern states started to segregate the public and private institutions claiming that they do not want to be around an inferior race.Which, lead to hate groups forming against the African Americans came around such as the Ku Klux Klan that struck terror in African Americans. The result of these actions taken against African Americans caused them to limit the use of their rights as citizens; the power to

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