The Graveyard Book Essay

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Theme Good Vs Evil in The Graveyard Book

In The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, Jack was a killer who entered in a home in the middle of the night with a knife. He used the knife and kill three people in the house, the mother, the father, and the older sister. While the baby was woken up he heard his family being killed, so he jumped out of his crib, left the house and went up to the hill in the graveyard. When Jack went to the crib to kill the eighteen-month-old baby, he then realized that the baby was not there. To finish his job he got out of the house and followed the baby’s smell to the graveyard. Theme “The Theme of a book is a message that creates an understanding about life, human nature, or elements of society” (Lukens 57). The author …show more content…

and Mrs. Owens. The baby’s family who were now ghost asked the Owens couple to adopt and protect the baby from Jack, the murderer. Mrs. Owens name the baby Nobody Owens or Bod as a nickname. The ghosts that were living in the graveyard accept for the baby to leave in the graveyard with the Owens couple. The book referred to Silas as a guardian to the baby. The author mention that Silas was neither or a human. As a result, Silas had the ability to leave the graveyard to get supplies for the baby. Bod learned to read and write at four years old. According to the author, “Every day Bod would take his paper and crayons into the graveyard and he would copy names and words and numbers as best he could, and each night, before Silas would go off into the world, Bod would make Silas explain to him what he had written, and make him translate the snatches of Latin which had, for the most part baffled the Owenses” (Gaiman 39). Bod had a new friend named Scarlett Amber Perkins who was alive. She always come to the graveyard and play with him. Sadly the friendship did not last for too long because after Scarlett and Bod went to the oldest resident in the graveyard, she came back a few days later to say bye to him because her parents were moving to Scotland. She told him how much she believed in him and she thought that Bod was

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