The Gospel Of John Analysis

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In both the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John, Jesus perform many miracles, but the most notable one is the healing miracle that Jesus performs. Diseases and physical impairments are symbolisms of spiritual uncleanliness and sins, and Jesus’ healings restore their complete bodily function as well as the spiritual well being. The healing illustrates the relationship between men and Jesus through the value, faith. The function of Jesus’s healing are very much alike in both the Gospels of Mark and John because it serves more than simple physical healing. It not only establishes faith in Jesus and His power, but it also confirms and supports pre-existing faith in Jesus. His healing also serves as a kind of societal purification, which is shown …show more content…

When Jesus heard that Lazarus is sick and in need of Jesus, he replies that “‘This illness does not lead to the death; rather it’s for God’s glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.’ Accordingly, though Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, after having heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place he was [stationed at]” (John. 11.4-6). This event shows that Lazarus and his sisters believe in Jesus, and yet their faith alone does not cure Lazarus’s sickness. Due to the fact that Jesus does not heal Lazarus immediately as Jesus has other goals in mind, it leads to the death of Lazarus. Jesus gives no confirmation to Lazarus and his sisters that it is correct to have faith in him in the moment of Lazarus’s death. This event consequently leads to the sisters painfully grieving for their brother’s death and also leaves them torn between their love for their brother and their faith in Jesus, since Jesus does not award their faith with immediately curing their …show more content…

One of the Ten Commandment that God expects men to follow is the Sabbath Day, in which he commands that men will work six days of the week, but on the seventh day they will not work because God made that day holy. Violating this rule is not acceptable, and people of the time could receive a death penalty. So, in the Gospel of Mark, the Pharisees wait and see if Jesus would heal the hands of the withered man on the Sabbath day so that they could charge him and put him on a trial for violating one of the Ten Commandments. Knowing that the Pharisees are waiting to shift blame on him, Jesus asks before he heals the man: “‘Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the sabbath, to save life or to do harm on the sabbath, to save life or to kill?’ But they were silent. He looked around at them with anger; he was grieved at their hardness of the heart” (Mark. 3.4-5). Jesus rejects the unreasonably strict interpretation of The Commandments, and heals the man purposely in front of the religious authority, demonstrating that importance of doing good on the day that God created for men. Jesus preaches that God does not require men to obey the Sabbath day and neglect all the duties, but God makes the days for the benefits of men. Thus, men should help people in need on this holy day. The healing event

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