The Good in Achilles

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Achilles was in search for glory. He wanted his name to last throughout the centuries. And his prayers to the mighty Olympus gods were answered. The evidence is that we strangers to him and to his world still chant his name. Previously, his name was preserved for the intellects, however with the 21st century technology the buzz of his name will be heard for many years to come. Now, step outside the York boundaries and ask any commoner be it a fifteen year old illiterate to classics and say who was Achilles and they will say he is the great Greek warrior portrayed by Brad Pitt. But I must ask, that was only a very basic thing to his identity, so what do we remember him as? He has achieved the immortality he was seeking, but what characteristics do we associate with him? I believe that Achilles was a trained killer, a warrior, and a Greek, but above all he was a son, a friend, and a lover. He did have many flaws in his character but who does not? He has come around for those he loved and was noble towards them even after he wronged them. His nobility costed him to lose them and his precious life.

I have heard countless times that the love story between Achilles and Briseis is weak or none existing in the Iliad. I have heard countless times that Briseis is not an important character in the Iliad. Even though she is hardly present on stage, Briseis is the reason of the death of many Danaans, is the cause of the death of Patroklos, Hector, Achilles, and eventually the destruction of the house of Priam. All of those disasters happen because of Achilles anger for his loss of her. Homer did not put this fact in the Iliad if Briseis did not have a value to Achilles. Achilles abandons his comrades and his dear friend Patroklos because of this woman. He states several times in the Iliad that he loves her or that she is dear to him, so how can that be ignored? "As in my heart I loved Briseis, though I won her by the spear."(9.418-419 Iliad) It could be argued that he abandoned his comrades because he was too proud but that could not be the only reason, it is part of the story though. Achilles became angry when his prize was taken from him and his pride forced him to reject to take her back home "he holds my bride, dear to my heart.

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