The Good Old Days are Blurred

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From time to time those that have come before us such as our moms, dads, and grandparents will reminisce on the good old days. A time when there was no Internet so one had to read the newspaper for updates, write rather than type during class, go to the library for research, knock for a friend, use snail mail, etc. For me such thoughts have made the understanding of the phrase, “the good old days” quite blurred. The fact is the so-called “good old days” was a time that seems astronomically different, slow paced, and quite frankly dull compared to today. That is, since I can remember the Internet has always been apart of my life, practically advancing its growth as I have grown. The Internet has revolutionized today’s society changing our methods of communication and networking, information acquisition and preservation, crime and unethical practices, gaming and entertainment, business practices, media consumption and distribution, retail and service commerce, etc. Quite frankly the Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and com...

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