The Globalization Of Pizza In Canad Canada

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Generations of travel, technological advancements, and communication have lead to our world exelling in globalization and these events have a big relationship to the food we eat every day. One of canada's most popular foods is one that every one has tried, and thats pizza. A lot of nations have taken part in the trend of pizza over the years and our country is deffinetly one of them.

Pizza is not Canadian. This meal originated from Napoli Italy and it was made to celebrate the flag of Italy. Margarita Pizza was the first pizza created and it was made up of mozzarella, basil, and tomato sauce and it bears the colours of the Italian flag, red, white, and green. The Pizza is well known for its origin due to the amount of imposing italian restaurants that made the pizza popular in the western word by implementing it as a fast food instead of a culinary masterpiece its gained a lot more attention and wide spread love for the dish. …show more content…

Globalization is the cause of the great meals we experience every day, and through it pizza has really shinned through it all. Due to the direction that fast food chains like Pizza Pizza or Pizza hut have taken this meal through, this has resulted in greater portion sizes and less and less fresh ingredients because of the lack of care for the product. In turn, this Italian delicacy has been frowned upon due to the health risks it causes because of the mass production. Pizza had been tuned into many different versions of itself, for example the city of New York and Chicago came up with deep dish pizza, a pizza thats an inch think and is cooked in a deep pan in the oven. This way of pizza is what creates the health risks in comparison to the Italian version which is very thin crust and light

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