' The Glass Wall, By Jeannette Walls

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Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle is split into 4 sections A Woman In the Street, The Desert, Welch Section, and New York City. Each section has its own individual sections and each of these sections the first few words is bolded. The book also contains pages for praise from critics, a picture of Jeannette Walls parents on their wedding day, a dedication, and an acknowledgements page.
Chapter Summaries
Section 1 The Woman On The Street: In this short section Jeannette Walls tells a story the recently happened to her rather than during her childhood. Jeannette Walls is taking a ride in a taxi on the way to a party in New York City. On the way she sees her mother, who is homeless, picking through the garbage. After a few moments of watching her mother, she asks the driver to take her home. Alone at home while her husband is at work she thinks about her mother's lifestyle and calls a friend who keeps in contact with her mother to setup a meeting with Rose Mary, her mother, at a chinese restaurant. At the restaurant Walls discusses her mother's lifestyle and asks what she can do to help because she is ashamed of Mary. Mary proceeds to tell Jeannette that being shameful is foolish and to accept her way of life.
Section 2 The Desert: A three-year-old walls is cooking hot dogs on a stove and tries to feed her dog when her dress catches on fire and badly burns her. Her mother wraps Jeannette in a blanket and carries her to a neighbors car which takes them to the hospital. At the hospital Jeannette has to get skin grafts from her thighs to replace to burned skin. The nurses are worried about her family's nomadic lifestyle, but says she is okay with it. Jeannettes dad pops in and says that they are “skedaddling” and leave the hospital wi...

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...s her that he raped her and the next day comes to her house shooting his BB gun at the house. In retaliation the kids shoot Rex’s gun. The police come to check out what happened and the family decides to leave for their grandma Smith’s house in Phoenix. They arrive in Phoenix only to find out that grandma Smith is dead and her house is inherited by her daughter Mary Rose. The house is 14-rooms, the front rooms converted to a studio by Jeanette's mother. Once again the kids are enrolled in school and have to take their eye and hearing exams. Everyone passes except Lori who has to get glasses and is surprised how clear she can see. Jeannettes parents like to leave the windows open and one day during the night a stranger came into Jeannette’s room touching her private areas. Brian, Jeannette, and her father try to look for him after chasing him off. Reading the paper

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