The Giver Utopia

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The Giver Essay Have you ever wondered why the world we live in isn’t a Utopia? The community in the Giver was destined to fail because of the lack of truth toward the citizens. Some evidence for this statement comes from the short story Harrison Bergeron, where characters like him find flaws in their community. Another story to back up the statement is from Monsters Are Due On Maple Street, evidence from here shows that people think of differences as a bad thing. The last article that provided evidence was a article on Genetic Engineering, this shows that there are always a con to a pro. The short story Harrison Bergeron helps support the idea that all Utopias are going to fail. In Harrison Bergeron characters like him find flaws in their “perfect” community and do something about it. In the Giver, Jonas is the character that rebels against the community because he is able to see past the lies set up by the elders and see the bad parts of it. Another reason it failed was because of the pain from the handicaps. Jonas’s community doesn’t experience any pain,except for Jonas and the Giver, Jonas makes a stand by escaping and leaving the memories of pain for the rest of the community. The story Monsters Are Due On Maple Street gives reasons to show Matt Bird explains “Genetic engineering can eliminate age barriers,” but he also states, “Genetic engineering’s ability to expand life has a drawback in that it can cause overpopulation.” This shows that the genetic engineering that Jonas’s community can have good things, but it may also have bad aspects to it. Matt Bird says that genetically modified babies can be made stronger, faster, tougher, and smarter, but his article also claims that doing so would have a larger chance for a mutant. In Jonas’s community they genetically modify the babies so they can’t see colors, but there is a chance that they could create a

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