The Gilded Six-Bits Analysis

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Money is the root of all things evil. When a person puts money before their beliefs and values a lot of things can go wrong. Delia and Missie May are the two women Hurston wanted you to see what money do to two different type if people, one self-made and one depended on money given. Delia was the woman that had to work hard for everything she wanted and have. She is not a person who let money define her, whereas you have, Missie May, a housewife and her husband gives her everything she wanted and needed. It’s Funny how Hurston depicted two different kinds of bad marriages. In “The Gilded Six-Bits” the wife cheats on the husband, whereas in “sweat” the husband cheats on the wife. In both stories, Hurston tested a Woman’s strength and weakness by showing your love, regret and hate in two different viewpoints. Cheating is in everyone’s blood, but you have to have the will power not …show more content…

They go through love, regret and hate. If the hate outweigh the love, then there is no coming back. When a person break that love bond that both partners once shared, it’s almost impossible to get back to where it once was. The love has to outweigh the hate that feels for that person. Also the Person has to really regret with they did and insure their partner that it will never happen again. From the looks of things Hurston only showed true forgiveness in one marriage and that was with Missie May and Joe. If it was not for the baby that Missie May had and the love outweighing the hate Joe once had for her, their Marriage could have not been saved. But then you have Sykes and Delia who could not get to that stage. Delia could not forgive and get over the hate she had for her husband so he sit and watch him die. Maybe she was just as wrong as her husband but she could not get sat and watch him die when she could have stopped it from happening. But she thought that he deserved to die right at that

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