The Gateway Arch Essay

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Buildings: Sculpture Influence
St. Louis Arch, Pan Am Terminal, Dulles Airport, MIT Church, TWA terminal
Eero Saarinen’s amazing buildings with sculptural influence behind them is what gained the architect fame and recognition. Some of these amazing sculptural masterpieces he is responsible for include the St. Louis Gateway Arch, in Missouri, the MIT Chapel, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the TWA Terminal, in New York City.
The one work of architecture that gave Eero most of his fame is the St. Louis Gateway Arch, in Missouri. The Gateway Arch is marked as a National Historic Landmark, and it is also the largest arch in the world. Standing at 630 feet tall, the steel arch is also the largest monument in the western hemisphere. Designed by Eero in 1947, construction was not started until 1963. In 1948 Saarinen took first place with his design in the competition for the design of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis. Eero used his sculptural and artistic mind to make a design which resembled an inverted, weighted catenary arch, distorted to increase aesthetics. It preserved the mathematical rigor and form simplicity …show more content…

This round windowless, cylinder shaped building at only 15 meters in diameter looks simple on the outside, but on the inside, it is a work of art. The brick is supported by a series of small arches on the outside, and a shallow moat around it that slips into the interior. The interior has a high level of detain which is further expressed by the filtered natural light. Opposed to the smooth even outside wall, the inside is rippled with vertical curves which gives it a different special dynamic. The interior of the chapel absorbs light through the skylight and surrounding moat creating a changing atmospheric and spiritual effect. Saarinen’s specific attention to the way light will play a major role in the design creates a special religious architectural

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