The Gangster As Tragic Hero Analysis

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Stereotyping is common to do no matter where you live in this world. People that are stereotypes are the ones that just assume things without actually knowing what they really mean. There are a lot stereotypic slurs people assume about, but the one we are going to focus on is stereotyping gangsters. In the Essay, “The Gangster as Tragic Hero”, Robert Warshow talks about a lot of different things that are dealing with gangsters. Some of Robert text in his essay helps you understand what he thinks about them. He talks about how stereotypes say gangsters are considered bad people, how they are on the top of the hierarchy, and he uses Tony Montana from Scarface as an example. People start to assume just because someone is considered a gangster …show more content…

He didn’t go too much in detail, but I think he should have just so the reader can have a better understanding on how a gangster that is stereotype, but still manage to impact the viewers and become the “king of a city.” This gangster name Tony Montana was a cocaine trafficker from Cuba that came to the US trying to find a way to get financially stable. The movie started by showing him as a successful man, but no one knew how he was able to get that fame. That just made the watchers want to know how exactly he got to be that successful. They begin to understand that he was a cocaine trafficker, but that just made the viewer’s idolize him even more. That’s ironic because when it’s someone in a local city selling drugs, then they must be a bad person, or viewed as a wrongdoer. Come to find out, the beginning of the movie was really the ending. The scene they showed in the beginning was the same scene at the end of the movie. He had asked to be left alone and according to Robert, when left alone as a successful man in a gangster film you are about to be killed, but why? Is it just because he is a gangster? It’s not right that people think just because someone is a gangster and has money then he is destined to

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