The GI Offensive In Europe By Peter Mansoor Summary

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The GI Offensive in Europe by Peter Mansoor is a fresh examination of the United States’ infantry divisions who served in the European Theatre of Operations during WWII. Mansoor’s approach is aggressive and direct as he challenges the time honored and accepted assertions of S.L.A. Marshall, Martin Van Crevald, Russell Weighley and Trevor Dupuy in that the Allies were victorious merely because of the overwhelmingly vast amount of materials thrust at the Germans by soldiers of inferior training. While his writing is geared towards those with at least basic military knowledge, it is still engaging to the average lay person. He provides a new conclusion on how and why the American combat forces were successful in defeating the Germans in Europe. He accomplishes this through extensive self conducted research backed by his own personal experiences as a military commander. Mansoor’s focus or …show more content…

The flow is logical, starting with an introductory overview which quickly takes us to our abrupt realization in 1940 that war with Germany is imminent. His description of General Lesley McNair as being the mastermind of WWII’s combat divisions is thorough and provides enough information to the non-military reader to provide a clear visual of the U.S. Army’s training and mobilization program, the training of much needed officers along with the composition of the various divisions. Mansoor dedicates two chapters to the battles in North Africa and Sicily. He provides a detailed diatribe of the army’s divisions, their involvement, consequences of high casualty numbers, lessons learned and the soldiers’ experiences in learning to develop new combat strategies and adapt to their ever changing environment. In contrast, he also offers some criticism towards some of the senior leaders, air-ground coordination and a poor replacement

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