The Future of Earth's Moon

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The Earth's moon has a great deal of mystery and indefinite discoveries left for us to explore. One of the most talked about topics of the Moon is if we are going to be living there in just a few short decades or centuries. Just imagine yourself, for example, weighing 150 pounds on Earth. If you were to live on the Moon, you would feel like you only weigh 26 pounds. That is because the Moon's gravity is only 17% of Earth's gravity. You would float into the dark sky, and if you weren't attached to anything stationary, you would float off into outer space, and probably never return. No doubt that the Moon has been in existence for a long time, there are still many millions of years left for us to explore what the Moon has in store for us. The age of the moon is quite controversial. Scientists have studied the Moon to try to give it an approximate age. The youngest moon rock which scientists have studied was radioactive dated as 3.16 billion years old, while the oldest dated rocks were dated 4.6 billion years old, which also indicates that the Moon is the same age as the presumed aged of Earth (Gallant 117).

If the Moon were to be colonized, there are two main components needed to sustain human life, not only on the Moon, but everywhere. These two important needs are water and oxygen. Without water and oxygen, life will cease to exist. Water is needed for us to transport nutrients around the body through the circulatory system in our blood. Oxygen is required for us to breathe and it is delivered to our bodily structures to perform their daily tasks. Ways in which we will supply the Moon with these components needed for life are still being explored. A recent concept thought up by NASA is to develop systems to ma...

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... have been able to have man step on the moon. We have sent shuttles, probes, and other mechanical and robotic spacecraft to the Moon to study the composition and chemistry of the moon. We study and try to find evidence of extra-terrestrial life, not only on the Moon, but in our entire solar system. If we have come this far, it must not be too far off that we figure out a way to sustain human life on the Moon. This topic probably will not affect our generation, or the next few, but it is something that should be in the corner of our minds so it won't be much of a shock when it does happen that we send humans up to the Moon to live. "Mankind is drawn to the heavens for the same reason we were once drawn to unknown lands and across the open sea (Bush internet)." Life on the moon would be an expansion to human intelligence. It would literally broaden our horizons.

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