The Functions Of A Performance Arts Center

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The Functions of a Performance Arts Center and The Impact on its Community

Despite the innumerable variations in performance pieces a theatre can show, they all have one central goal: to bring together the surrounding community in whatever way possible. The performing arts center may be focusing on culturally relevant pieces, blurring the distinction between art and reality or trying to push the boundaries of the medium. Regardless, the community’s needs are first in this modern environment. Throughout the decades, these centers and their connections to their community morphed according to numerous factors. The technology changes advance the centers into the modern realm while the managers and producers organize new, more efficient ways to bring the arts to their community. This paper will delve into the many facets of an evolution such as this.

In the beginning, humans lived an existence based solely on survival. As soon as their lives were stable enough for an ounce of free time, artistic expression became a part of society. Ever since, people have gone to great lengths to be able to perform for their peers. Whether it’s a Roman minstrel reciting poetry or the contemporary dance moves of ‘The Blue Man Group,’ all performance pieces are involving the audience in a new and unique way. And even though it can be argued that their audience is simply the people witnessing the show, there is the idea that the entire society is the audience. Essentially, a performer chooses their specific piece because they have to say something about the culture. And people will never get tired of expressing themselves. But because the society has evolved, so will the art and its centers.
The idea of a performing arts center is not, in its entirety...

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... might be varied, the overall goal is similar across the nation. It can be concluded that community reigns supreme for these centers and without their people’s support, both the center’s need and survival would diminish and disappear.

In the end, the whole purpose of the performing arts and the centers that house them is to serve. Serve their community and the cultural climate of the day. A center is like a cultural hub that goes to great lengths to encourage and enlist community cooperation and collaboration between various geographic, ethnic or cultural groups. Art and theatre can bring together all sorts of people through a diverse and active center. It will never be a simple task nor will it always be successful, but over time humanity has made clear that entertainment and the arts are a priority in their lives. For some, it is even a necessity for survival.

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