The Freshest Kids Essay

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The film I choose to do my first film critique on is The Freshest Kids, directed by Israel starring Afrika Bambaataa, Kool Herc, Frosty Freeze, Fab 5 Freddy, and more. The Freshest Kids is a documentary about the story of b-boys. B-boying is more commonly known as breakdancing, which roots were founded in the Bronx of New York. The Freshest Kids portrays b-boys history of how B-boying started, ended, and made a comeback, all surrounding the aspects of break culture. This movie has strength including the many credible sources it referenced and showing how b-boying became a positive outlet for younger kids in low-income regions, but also had some weaknesses such as how there was never an incisive definition of b-boying. The director of The Freshest Kids, brought in a number of credible sources to talk about b-boying, which strengthens the reliably of information in the movie. For example, the father of hip-hop, DJ Kool Herc, talked about how he founded hip-hop and more importantly how he discovered breaking. Herc described how he threw parties that everyone wanted to attend, as he would play music he gained cliental and that’s how the birth of hip-hop came about. GrandMaster Caz went on to talk about …show more content…

Mr. Freeze, Crazy Legs, Mr. Wiggles all had the same definition and origin that the word b-boy started because b-boys would dance when there was a break in the record meaning the “b” stands for breaking. While another person, who was not named, thought the origin came from the street terminology “why are you breakin’ on me,” and Grand Mixer DXT believed the “b” stood for the Bronx due to the fact they were discovered in the Bronx. Later in the film, DJ Herc goes on to tell that the original meaning did not come from breaking records, it came from a mans breaking point meaning “this man broke” and he created an exaggeration of that term to the dancing creating the break

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