The Forty-Niners

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The Mountain Men had a very rare lifestyle. They ate small animals such as,rat,squirrels.Their most important food source was acorns. During autumn fall, acorns were harvested in large number of women of the tribe. The women would do all the work sometimes. The California tribes had many ways to prepare acorns. The most popular methods of preparing a acorn involved boiling the acorns before making them into soup. They lived in houses similar to the Indians in the Great Basin, but their structures were larger. Their houses were dome structures, covered in grass, and with an opening in the roof for ventilation and light. I can see myself living like the Mountain men because you can experience the things that these incredible people did in their life and bring it to mine. THE MINERS …show more content…

For example they traded meet,accessories, valuables, fruits ,vegetables ,clothing and many other interesting things. They would trade with different tribes that had what they wanted. They also lived in dome structures.The Miners are also known as “The Forty-Niners”. They traveled to california for the goldfields in 1849 so they earned the name Forty-Niners. The vast majority of forty-niners were Americans however, many were from Europe. Every time a rumor of a gold strike was reported a boomtown would spring up. Why was this? It was because lots of people wanted gold and if they had gold they had power. That is a lot of things people wanted back then and still happens up to this day.Gold miners also lived in mining camps. Life in the mining camp was difficult, and crime and murder were common occurrences in the early years of the Gold

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