The Forty-Niners During The Gold Rush

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Forty-niners had it all. The gold, the money, and the easy access. But there were consequences that went along with the gold rush. A man named James was the first person to find gold. He soon told his partner, which had got the word out. And that's how the gold rush started. The forty-niners had to go through changes, made sure their gold didn't get stolen, and they had to watch out for diseases; These were the challenges the individuals had to face. The things that changed throughout the gold rush. “ Many californians who lived through the gold rush experienced a number of economic changes” (Mcgill,12). The merchants thought if they raised the prices of the supplies the miners would need, they would make more money. Also as more people arrived to California, crime had increased (Saffer, 1). The thieves wanted some gold and didn't want to dig for it or they just wanted to steal some to have more money. The forty-niners didn’t like that and since there wasn't any police officers, they had to make their own Justice system and for the people who got caught stealing had consequences. Another thing was there was many people …show more content…

The thieves that were petty and didnt steal alot just got whipped (Saffer, 2). If the thieves didn't cause harm or destruction they didn't get the bad part of the punishment. Another crime was if the robbers got caught then their ears got cut off (Saffer, 2). The ear cutting is too much of a punishment because thieves and robbers are the exact same thing they should get the same punishment. The robbers may steal from other people's property but at least give them a less harmful punishment. The last crime was criminals. Criminals that were murdered and stole large merchandise from people's property were hanged (Saffer, 2). Theses bad people did horrible things. There wasn't police around so the biggest crime got the worst punishment. These were some examples on how the forty-niners protect their

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