The Flipped Classroom Method

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Everyone receives information differently and interprets it their own way. Teachers have many ways to teach but few teachers utilize all of the tools required to have every student understand the material, especially when it comes to keeping the students interested in a lesson. One way to keep the students interested in the material is to teach a flipped classroom. A teacher at Civic Memorial High School uses this form of teaching. In this type of class the students go home and watch a YouTube video that the teacher creates. These videos serve as the lessons and when the students are in the classroom they participate in projects and complete worksheets. A flipped classroom technique helps students learn through nearly every method: auditory, literary, visual, and hands-on learning styles.
Auditory learners typically prefer to learn by listening to the material. This can be in the form of a teacher reading a book, describing the topic, or by using online resources such as online videos. A flipped classroom has the teacher reading and elaborating on a PowerPoint presentation. This as...

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