The Flaws That Shaped Our Society

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Within our society today I’ve noticed that we have a lot of flaws that have shaped our world in a negative way. Starting from our children to the people in the working fields in our lives. For starters we today, love to observe one another and single ourselves off into groups of people such as the preps or the jocks known in school. Or outside of school they are to be known as the bottom class, middle class, and the top class this is called the status quo. It is to be said that everyone wants to be in the top class meaning that everyone looks up to you and you are known to have a gracious amount of money. But why do we single off into groups I think that it is because while we observe one another we take the actions and phrases of those we …show more content…

Its bullying and there have been many cases in the society especially in the united states schooling scene such as “Bullying affects nearly one in three American schoolchildren in grades six through 10”(Engel, 2013). These signs of behavior come from a child that has been mistreated in the same way or observed someone else doing such thing to someone else. “Six out of 10 teenagers say they witness bullying in school once a day.”(Engel, 2013). This show that those who are viewing these factors are following their groups as if they don’t want to be the one known as the kid that is uncool for breaking up someone picking on a kid because that would mean that they would be outside of their comfort zone. So what we need to do is to teach every last one of the kids that it is okay to stand out and you don’t need to be like someone else just because they have more money than you or they live in a bigger house than you. The goal in life is to be happy and to live life without having in troubles. But if we continue to sit around and let kids get bullied, so those who once had a voice, now doesn’t because they stood out as they were younger and they got picked on for speaking their minds so now they don’t have the desire to speak and they fall back into their groups and never become as special as they once …show more content…

But what about in the grocery stores well the health fruits and vegetables have sky rocketed as time has passed and fatty foods are to be 2-3 time cheaper than foods that will help your health or maintain weight. And as parents your children will more than likely eat the same foods as you do meaning they will more than likely become obese at a young age. “The greater likelihood of obese children being bullied was equally strong among males and females, whites and other races, and poor and not poor, as well as across schools of all types of demographic profiles and across the 10 US study sites participating in the study. The association between bullying and obesity was "equally strong" across the spectrum of social skills and academic achievement. Similar trends were seen for children who were overweight, but results did not reach statistical significance. The main reason we were uncertain that there would be an association between obesity and bullying is that obesity is so much more common now — in some communities, 1 out of 4 children is obese — so obese children are not really outliers anymore, which is why we asked, is the association between obesity and bullying really true,"(Harrison, 2010). Which is concerning the factors of if we

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