The Flat Rock Pipions: The Flat Rock Scorpion

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Research Report Nature, both the fauna and the flora, has fascinated poets, writers, photographers, philosophers, and monarchs for centuries, and continues to amaze countless individuals to this day. It intrigues our race because of the complexity, beauty, its self-sustaining capabilities, and its wild, feral, and overall unvarying establishment. This is shown in all forms of living matter, from even the most basic amoeba to as large a creature as a blue whale. One overlooked group in the animal kingdom is the phylum, arthropoda despite being the largest phylum, encompassing about 84 percent of all known species of animals. These are certainly not the first thought when one is asked what an animal is; a person usually thinks of an animal such as the lion or a dog. However, …show more content…

It’s body functions are no less amazing, and are the main reasons for the aforementioned success. Contrary to popular belief, the flat rock scorpion does not have a venom content with its main weapon being its pincers, capable of inflicting a singularly painful injury. The venom of the scorpion is used in detaining prey, while the pincers are used primarily in defense. The pincers (pedipalp) themselves are very robust, so as to deter any potential predators. The scorpion’s tail (metasoma) is mainly used for detaining prey while the claws deliver the fatal blow. The tail is tipped with a vesicle, or stinger. The males show extreme elongation of their tails, thus distinguishing the males from the females, and effectively making this species of scorpion one of the longest. The flat-rock scorpion is flat, in body shape, due to it being lithophilic, or rock-loving. It’s long legs, compact body and head (mesosoma and prosoma respectively) are ideal for its living spaces and conditions, which includes scurrying over rocks and uneven landscapes. Due to the scorpion being adept in its environment, it is a capable

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