The First Voyage To Roanoke Analysis

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Arthur Barlowe wrote the journal entitled, “The First Voyage to Roanoke,” and was originally written in 1584 using Old English. This is a description of the reconnaissance voyage to North America’s coast. Arthur Barlowe describes his and his men’s encounter with the natives of America and the native’s knowledge of other surrounding Native Americans. It can be inferred that Barlowe wrote this descriptive account to Sir Walter Raleigh. The intended reader is evident throughout the account. Barlowe mentions that he was instructed and given specific procedures to take note on the new land. It is seen that Barlowe is acquainted with Raleigh as Raleigh himself sent Barlowe off on his expedition at Thames River (Barlowe, 1584, p. 1). It is also noted …show more content…

They developed an approachable and friendly relationship with the natives. They traded goods and exchanged gifts like clothes and food. The natives were hospitable as they taught or showed Barlowe when and how they raised their crops and when they can be reaped. They also displayed their customs, their social hierarchy, and even their battle customs. The Native Americans also showed him the Roanoke Island and where the other natives lived. Barlowe learned a lot from the natives, and described the differences of the natives. This is seen when Barlowe describes their cultural clothing. The wife of the king’s brother, their children, and some noblemen wore copper or gold bracelets or pendants around their ears. He also notes that the royal family of the Native Americans wore copper or gold, leather, and fur. Not only did Barlowe record their cultural costumes, he also recorded their making of boats and weapons. He noticed that they made their boats with one tree that is uncommon in England. They also had no weapons like the Europeans. The only weapon they had were from a European boat that got shipwrecked and their bow and arrows. He observed that they desperately wanted to trade for the European weapons and armor because they offered Barlowe a box of pearls for these priceless …show more content…

With the detail account of Barlowe, his accounts with the natives and the land’s resources are supported by the facts of other history books on the resources and natives in that land. According to the history textbook, North Carolina’s and Virginia’s resources and major trade include dye, fur, rice, grains, wheat, corn, fruits, and vegetables (13 Colonies Facts). These were also mentioned in Barlowe’s writing. According Barlowe, he traded with the natives, and in history books, we learn that the colonists traded with the natives. This showed that the natives were friendly with the colonists. This is supported in Barlowe’s account with the Native Americans. They established a relationship, which even led Barlowe to bring two Savages, a Native American tribe, to England. Barlowe’s journal enable present-day people to understand the culture and land of the New World. It portrays a picturesque picture of the coast of North America. Barlowe’s description also allows us to make sense of Raleigh’s failed expedition to Roanoke. He informs us of the crop season, which affected the colonization of Raonoke. Since Raleigh and his members arrived at Roanoke without proper planning and resources, his excursion failed (Foner, 2014, p. 41). Without Barlowe’s writings, we will not be able to fully understand the failure of Raleigh’s expedition, and also the culture of the natives living around those

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