The First Strawberries Analysis

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1- Bibliography Bruchac, Joseph. The first strawberries: a Cherokee story. n.p.: Puffin Books, 1993. ISBN: 978-1-4420-0361-3 2- Plot Summary This Cherokee folktale tells the story of the first man and woman on Earth. They were married and lived happily together for a long time. One day, they quarreled and the woman left. The man followed her to apologize, but the woman walked so fast that he could not catch her. It was then that, seeing his frustration, the Sun decided to help him. In an effort to slow her down, the Sun made different berries appear in front of the woman, but she paid not attention to them. It wasn't until she saw the strawberries that she decided to stop. The husband finally caught up with her and apologize. …show more content…

The plot of The first strawberries is simple and clear: a loving couple who separate after an argument is finally reconciled. Since the very beginning of the story, the reader feels empathy for the couple and participates in their happiness, anger, sadness, and reconciliation. The clean style maintains the outline of early retellings. There are not moral lessons to be learned, just a beautifully told story of love and forgiveness. The illustrations occupy a great part of the book. They focus primarily on the characters' figures and the stunning landscape. The colors used by the artist are vibrant and exquisite, offering a vivid portrait of the natural world. The pictures are full of small details that add dimension to the story: water splashing in droplets, unembellished illustrations when the woman leaves, the kind face of the Sun, a snail on a rock, and the bright color of the strawberries, among others. 4- Review excerpts Publishers Weekly: This legend explains the origins of strawberries, grown by the sun to help the first man and woman patch a quarrel. "Spare text, an uncomplicated story line and gentle illustrations keep this quiet but resonant tale accessible to even the youngest child," said

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