The Father And The Son In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy

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Living through the post apocalypse is devastating especially essentials of life water, food and shelter are no where to be found. During the journey of the Father and the son in the novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy, they engage in some unsavory actions. Running into gang members, harsh weather and starvation. They believe that they are the "good guys" but do not help out the other survivors. Everyone has there own definition for what is morally right to do. The father and his son beliefs are to stay one of the good guys and do no harm to each other or to others. The father and his son wandering around post apocalypse streets. The sense of an empty, dark town with abandoned streets. They are traveling south to warmer temperatures. As the world is dying the weather gets …show more content…

The people in the basement were "Huddled against the back wall, male female, all trying to hide, shielding their hands.....a man with his leg gone to the hip and the stumps of the blackened and burnt." (McCarthy. 110). When the father and his son escape from the house with the captives the son askes his father " We would never eat anybody, would we?...Even if we're starving?" (McCarthy, 108). The father agrees to his statement and the son says "And we're carrying the fire." (McCarthy, 109). Even though the father sees him and his son as the "good guys" he will prioritize his son and him over everyone else. When they caught the man red handed stealing their cart full of food, the father threatens to shoot him. Leaves him with no clothes or shoes on. Even though that is not the image of a "good guy" the father is willing to do whatever it takes to protect him and his son. The father says to the thief " I'm going to leave you the way you left us (McCarthy, 217). He was referring to how the man left him and his son with nothing to live on he will do the same to

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