The Fatal Flaws of the Calamitous Characters of William Shakespeare´s Romeo & Juliet

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There are many different types of trees, each one just a little different to the next. Some are ugly, some are tall, some do not contain any leaves at all. The human personality also holds many branches that live, each dissimilar from the next, each with a separate function that it gives. When all of the leaves are viewed from afar, the combined image is spectacular, but when observed from up close, the flaws are gaping, and even gross. The human personality works the same, for at first glance people are flawless, but when examined deeper and more personally, it can be seen how these flaws define who a person really happens to be for the worst. One sickly imperfection can slowly kill a whole tree, just like one hideous trait can ruin a whole person. Even in literature characters carry flaws, and William Shakespeare in particular is able to skillfully exaggerate and display how imperfections create impact. The clear flaws of Tybalt’s hot headedness, Juliet’s naiveté, and Friar Laurence’s big ego all contribute to the epic conclusion of Romeo and Juliet.
Tybalt’s fervent temper is able to cause a number of plot-changing events in the play. Tybalt consistently proves to be a man of not only aggressive, but violent nature. The first signs of Tybalt’s hot headedness come up while the Capulet family is hosting their luxurious ball. While Romeo is enjoying himself, Tybalt confesses, “This, by his voice, should be a Montague.../To strike him dead I hold it not a sin...” (1.5.53-58). Clearly unhappy about the boy’s attendance, Tybalt makes a statement that reveals how morbid his mind thinks. Outraged, Tybalt proceeds to bring up the issue with Lord Capulet, communicating, “I’ll not endure him” (1.5.74), and an annoyed Lord Capulet who dis...

... middle of paper ... ego all contribute to the cataclysmic conclusion of Romeo and Juliet. Each one of these characters unintentionally, but constantly, inflict harm upon the loved ones around them. The frustrating trouble for these characters is that flaws are consistent, and are arduous to shrug off. Flaws cannot be covered up with makeup or washed away with soap, and will always provide a means of which individuals shall be judged. The challenge for humans is to emulate a tree, so that they may grow off and shed the unpleasing traits, like dead, crispy leaves during an unforgiving autumn. This way, self integrity can be maintained, and the fate of many shan’t suffer from one person’s foolishness. Society must learn to mend and improve the forest they live in, not cut it down, and when this realization of collectiveness is discovered, a harmonious ecosystem will come into existence.

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