The Family: A Proclamation To The World

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Intimacy is a privileged time that a husband and wife share together. Those moment they share, can be a bonding moment that can bring a husband and wife closer to one another. In The Family: A Proclamation to the World it states, “The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.” Our Heavenly Father has instilled in each of us sexual desires. This is to help a man and woman become attracted to one another …show more content…

This ability to create life is one thing we share in common with God. In The Family: A Proclamation to the World it states, “We declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan…Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.” It is an honor, privilege and a commandment from God to have children and a couple should not wait for the perfect time to have children. That perfect time will never come. I love the story told by Elder Anderson about an interaction by, then, Elder Spencer W. Kimball. Elder Kimball relayed a story about a recently married young man who explained to Elder Kimball how he was going to school to be a doctor. The young man stated that there was no alternative but to put off having a family. Elder Kimball patiently listened and then replied, “‘Brother Mason, would the Lord want you to break one of his important commandments in order for you to become a doctor? With the help of the Lord, you can have your family and still become a doctor. Where is your faith?” The young man and his wife had a child less than a year later and two more before he was finished with medical school. God gave Adam and Eve a commandment that is for all of us to follow. In Genesis 1:28 it reads., “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Having children and intimate relations within marriage binds a husband and wife together. In the church handbook #2 it states, “As you discuss this sacred matter, remember that sexual relations within marriage are divinely approved. While one

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