The American Dream Essay

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In todays world the American dream is different for everyone, its essentially a dream and considering everyone has different dreams, the American dream is also different for everyone. The American dream for someone living on the streets might be to get a roof over their heads. For a middle class worker it might be to get a promotion in his/her job or live a comfortable life. The American dream is something that is ever-evolving and doesn't have an exact definition and it will never will. A common misconception of the dream is to become wealthy and live in a mansion but thats not necessarily true. Martin Luther King Jr. had a American dream for himself it was the dream of equality in America and with his hard work and determination he helped …show more content…

Every day thousand of people apply for jobs and only a few of them get it the others are jobless and now have to find another job to apply for that will also have ten thousand people applying to it. Education has become very common in America, mostly everyone in america finishes high school. Due to the fact of many people being educated competition increases because now all of them can apply for a job, but only few can be accepted. I know you might say that “if the went to a good college they would definitely get a good job.” I am sorry to say thats not true at all, even if people are well qualified and go to a good collage still have hard time getting a good job and many of these people end up working in minimum wage jobs. In the article Minimum Rage by Nona Aronowitz talks about a 27 year old girl who he working behind a bad and its smart, ambitious and educated and now she is serving drinks. Emily Sanders went to NYU and now she is a bartender, let’s make it clear that NYU is a great school and everyone would think that person who graduated from such a good college will definitely get a good job by unfortunately that wrong. Many people other than Emily work hard all their lives to get into great collages and end up at minimum wage jobs because there is too much competition in America for jobs. This hinders the chance of someone pursuing the American Dream because people can't get a good job and have to work at places that they are way too qualified to work

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