Unveiling the Dark Side of Gender Discrimination

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unbelievable true story author’s note: i really wish this was a fictional story but sadly people were actually treated like this in the past and the present. i decided to completely rewrite my essay after Trump lifted federal protection over trans youth using the restroom of their choice. i decided to go for a sad story rather than funny. the F slur has been around for quite awhile. in modern times it is used as an insult, as a synonym for whip, idiot, stupid. but what some people forget is the meaning of the word. A f****t is a bundle of sticks or a cigar in some context. You may wonder why would homosexuals, trans* people, bisexuals and lesbians be referred to as a bundle of sticks or a cigar? What people forget is that Gays were engulfed by flames for whom they loved, …show more content…

in modern times the treatment of the lgbt community has definitely become much, much better but still there is discrimination and hate towards us. Lgbt people are twice as likely to attempt suicide. in fact transgender people who arnt accepted by their families are 56% likely to attempt suicide compared to 4% who come from accepting families. it seems humanity to this day forgets that the lgbt community are human just like tjem and deserve the same treatment as everyone else. im very greatful to have such a wonderful accepting family, especially since they are religious.i am also lucky to have been born in such a progressive era. i dont know whati would do without the support of my family. one of my friends was kicked out of her home for coming out as bisexual with a girlfriend and she had to move into a group home. it broke my heart. im proud of who i am, and if someone has a problem with it i feel bad for their ignorant closed mind. when people say lgbt pride is stupid and unnecessary, i wish they would recognize how much hate we had faced and still do, for instance the orlando shooting. the largest mass

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