The Exposed Nest

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Throughout the poem “The Exposed Nest” by Robert Frost there were multiple themes revealed to readers. Themes that were repeatedly shown throughout this poem were duties, Nature, and Parents. Frost uses many metaphors to compare nature life to human life. In each theme revealed the message that came out was Responsibilities, protection and the misery of nature. The themes that are all portrayed in the poem comes together to show the main idea.
There are numberless good citizens out in society. The people who try to make everything right no matter what. There are many people who are warm-hearted and just care for everyone and everything, Especially nature. Nature and the animals that come with it are a beautiful thing to be able to enjoy. In the poem it seems as if there is a parent and his/her child that is out in nature and sees a nest that could possible be in danger. Line 25 show that the speaker and his child does not belong in the area that they are now in. The “Meddling” around of the two might have interfered with the mother of the birds. Without the mother of the birds coming home, the little babies can not get training and without training they could die. Line 27 of the poem reveals to the reader that they helped, but while helping they might have caused a problem. Line 31 goes to the point of a duty or obligation. The speaker felt obligated to care for the birds even when knowing that he might have interfered with the birds life.
Responsibilities are better known to parents with kids. They have the responsibility for feeding, sheltering and leading their kids in the right direction. A Parent trains their kid up, so when they get old enough to stray away they know that they have taught them the techniques of life. Animal...

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... stand out for what they are. No one but Robert Frost himself can speak on why he always include nature in his works, but one reason could be because nature goes along with anything. Nature can be violent, but also nature can make life a misery.
The “Exposed nest” by Robert Frost included three main themes that put this work together. Protection, what is given from parents to youth to make sure that their child can live on. Responsibility, what parents pass on to children. To teach them the struggles and hardships of life, the good and the bad. Finally Nature, that is included in all Frost poems which could be a bad thing or good thing depending on the scenario. Being a bird in the open, is definitely a bad thing that nature will overcome. Robert Frost is such a magnificent writer that puts his simple words into something so complex all to open up the readers mind.

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