The Existence of a God

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The Existence of a God

Throughout history, the worship of gods has been a part of daily life even amidst those cultures that have been considered "savage". The reactions, movement, existence, comparisons, purposes, and common beliefs of the world show that there must be a god. The existence of a god is an irrefutable fact.

Sir Isaac Newton stated that "every action has a reaction." Therefore every reaction is formed from an action which€in and of itself is a reaction to a previous action. If this theory is followed far enough back, there must be an original action, something that starts all actions, and causes all reactions. Since nothing can cause its own action, because to do so would mean that "it would have to be prior to itself [in this chain of action equals reaction]"(Knowledge, pg133), there must be a starting point, an "initial reaction." This initial action, this uncaused cause, is the being known "god".

To quote, again, Sir Isaac Newton, "unless acted upon by an unbalanced force, a body at rest, remains at rest". Which means that nothing in existence moves unless it is moved by something else, which in turn must be moved by a previous object, whether alive or not. Once again, if this pattern is taken back to the beginning, there must be a first mover, which is itself not moved. Without this first mover, there will be no further movement. However, if there is nothing powerful enough to move itself, than this sequence will recede into infinity, which is impossible. Thus, there must be a "god", a first mover.

Creation in and of itself is an indisputable example of the existence of a higher being. The very existence of our universe and the things in it proves beyond a doubt that the...

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I lie down and sleep;

I wake again for the Lord sustains me.(Psalm 3:3,5).

Therefore, the extent of this common belief proves the existence of the being we call "god" because if enough people believe in something, and their belief is strong enough, than it must be true.

The existence of god is indisputable. This fact is proven through reactions, movements, existence, comparisons, purposes and common beliefs in this world. God must exist for so many cultures believe in the same basic concept of the higher power, and believe so strongly, that there must be a foundation which provides the truth and cause behind these beliefs.


The Volume Library, vol. I, Physics: Newton's Law of Motion. Pg. 436. The Southwestern Company, Nashville, Tennessee, 1988.

Walsh, Jill Paton, Knowledge of Angels, Bantam Books, Toronto, 1995.

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