The Evolution Of Explosives In The Industrial Revolution

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The Evolution of Explosives in the Industrial Revolution
Rendre Greyling and Ryan Snyman Grade 8.3 During the Industrial Revolution mining companies were always looking for better and safer explosives to use. They needed to blast their way through rock effectively and easily to mine the precious resources such as coal, sulphur and lead. The three main explosives used in the Industrial Revolution were Gunpowder, Nitroglycerin and Dynamite. (YouTube, 2016), ("Not Yet Published", 2011)

Around the beginning of the Industrial Revolution mining companies used gunpowder which was the first physical explosive used. Gunpowder or Black powder was originally invented in China and dates back to as early as 850 A.D. Gunpowder (Patent number: US 2030096 …show more content…

It could not be transported on horseback as the vibrating and bumpy road would lead to a major catastrophe. This meant that a chemist needed to be on site to mix the solution every time and everyone who worked with it was at risk to be blown to pieces. ("Not Yet Published", 2011)

Nitroglycerine on its own was too unstable, to use effectively, therefore Alfred Nobel a Swedish scientist and chemist found a substance to add to nitroglycerine that would render it harmless until ready to use. This substance was Diatomaceous Earth. It was soaked inside nitroglycerine and wrapped in paper. Alfred Nobel called this new explosive Dynamite (Patent Number: US 697842 A, 1867) and it revolutionised the way of using explosives making him a very successful entrepreneur. ("Not Yet Published", 2011), (, 2016) Explosives were a key part of the Industrial Revolution, Dynamite being one of the most effective explosives. Without explosives we could not have mined the fossil fuels that powered almost everything in the period of time that revolutionised the world. ("Not Yet Published", …show more content…

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