The Euromaidan Orange Revolution

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achieve their goals such as actions in the internet , hacktivism, civil disobedience, occupation of administrative buildings, civil resistance.
Very often Euromaidan is called new euro revolution, some people even compare it to Orange revolution. Obviously, these events have much in common, because it happened in one country with one nation, but still there are huge doubts can we define demonstrations and uprisings in 2013 a revolution, and what results we must expect. The following question arises: What remained the same since Orange revolution? Firstly, sociology and geography of protests : now as well as 9 years ago the majority of protesters came from Western, Central Ukraine and Kiev. The motive power hasn’t changed, students and young people are living in the main square of the country and take participation in everyday’s moves. They are supported by representatives of middle class (local residents in Kiev), which played important role during Orange revolution and became activists on December 2013. Secondly, methods of protests: the technique of putting pressure on authorities doesn’t differ so much. Protesters occupied administrative buildings. Leaders of opposition invoke people to organize actions of civil disobedience and civil resistance, try to gain support abroad and negotiate with current president and government, using Maidan like strong political argument. Lastly, the mode of protests: during both “revolutions” epicenter and fixed place of protestor’s camp is Maidan Nezalezhnosti. This is a very important strategic foothold in the center of capital. Camping in Maidan square, big headquarters, reserves of provisions and warm clothes.
On the other hand, I Would like to define 6 major differences between Orange revo...

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...ively short period of time. After two month of activeness the only results are violent reprisals against opposition activists and politicians and imprisonment of protesters. After phased attack on the Presidential Administration and cruel dispersal of Maindan, no one from the state officials did not bare responsible.
To sum it up, Euromaidan is not simply about not signing the Association Agreement, but the development of Ukraine as a country as a whole. It has been hanging on between post-Soviet autocracies in the east and highly democratizing and prosperous neighbors to the west for 22 years.
Unfortunately, there existed too many hopes and disappointments in the past 22 years – to begin with the proclaiming of the national independence and ending with the world-famous Orange Revolution. The inauguration of Viktor Yanukovych as president in 2010, consequently the

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