The Enlightenment And The Scientific Revolution

1558 Words4 Pages

Lily Benda
CIV 202
Professor Heern
23 April 2014

The Enlightenment, a period marked by significant changes in rational thought, secularism, social equality, individual freedom, right to property, and human rights, occurred during the eighteenth century. The scientific revolution of the seventeenth century brought about the fundamental ideas on which the Enlightenment was based. Trade and science at the time were already spreading but during the Enlightenment era, these ideas started in Europe, spread globally, and became popular. This new transformation of thought and everyday life impacted the world on a global scale by bringing up new ways to make the government more rational. During the eighteenth century, these new ideas on scientific thought, advanced technologies, and new interests in trade-helped spread and impact the Enlightenment globally. There were many people involved with the Enlightenment and these sources show the impact of Enlightenment spreading in Galileo Galilei, The Discovery of Jupiter’s Moons, Sugita Gempaku, A Dutch Anatomy Lesson in Japan, Manuel Belgrano, Why an Argentine Lawyer Joined the Revolution against Spain, and English East India Company, Letters to Princes in Sumatra and Borneo.
The Scientific Revolution was one of the main influences on the Enlightenment era in the early seventeenth century. During the scientific revolution, which began in the fifteen hundreds, people began to question the credibility of their teachings, which then lead to the Enlightenment era. Two main ideas came from the scientific revolution, including calls for observation and rational thought. Science challenged the traditional views of nature and found a new way to uncover nature’s laws. The Scientific Revolution in ...

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...lobal economy to grow.
The eighteenth century was a significant time period of many changes and new ideas. These ideas were based around the discoveries of the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. Europeans began thinking of new ways to advance society and politics. Even though this was in opposition to traditional thought and values, Europeans strived for greater glory, power, and wealth. The Enlightenment used the main ideas of rational thought, social equality, secularism, individual freedom, right to property, and human rights to open up the world to new change. Although the Enlightenment went against traditional values, the new values that came from this era impacted the world on a global scale. With the global spread of scientific ideas, new technologies, and new interests in trade, this helped the Enlightenment themes thrived.

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