The End of Economic Boom in 1929

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The End of Economic Boom in 1929

The economic boom was one of the greatest times in American history.

It was a time where poverty was at a minimum and people were making

more and more money every day. So why did this come to an end in 1929?

The first people to suffer from the depression were the farmers.

Farmers who had been seeing the best production rate of all time were

slowly putting themselves out of business. Ironically it was the boom

that killed off the farmers trade, it did this because as the economic

boom was making Americas factories faster new machines came out.

Farming machines that created more crops at a quicker rate came in and

so farmers started to make too many crops. When they took these to

market they had to slash their prices to compete and so this meant

that they were losing money. When farmers looked to solve the problem

by shipping them over seas they were met with a new problem, tariffs.

America had put tariffs on goods coming into America. This meant that

when they were sold here they were more expensive then American goods.

To fight against this the foreign countries put tariffs on American

goods so when the farmers tried to sell them over there then they lost

even more money.

When banks heard of the loss that the farmers were making then they

started to ask for them to pay back their mortgages. When they

couldn't do this the banks started to evict farmers and so the land

became property of the government. More than 2/3 of farmers in America

lost their jobs.

Secondly consumer goods started to fall. People who had bought all the

goods that they needed or wanted started to stop buying things. This

meant that there were two many factories and that some of them had to

close down to save money. Inevitably million lost heir jobs and this

led the government to more problems.

Another large problem was the Florida land boom. People started to

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