The Emotional, Mental, and Physical Journey in The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby gets himself into a sticky situation and cannot get out. He is having an affair with a married woman that he loves very much. He is not the only character in the book with that is in that situation. Most of the main characters are having affairs. This leads all of the characters to get into physical altercations. Gatsby and the other main characters go through a physical journey that eventually ends with fatal tragedies due to having affairs with one another’s lover.
Jay Gatsby was a millionaire whose lifestyle is similar to the American Dream and predictable downfall from charm that is supposed to clear up the lies that come with death (Szumskyj). He fell in love with Daisy Buchanan ever since he laid eyes on her not knowing that she was a married woman. Dedicated on getting daisy to be his wife, he continued to pursue her. Daisy’s husband, Tom Buchanan, saw that Daisy and Gatsby were having feelings for each other and he did not like the look of that. Tom was also cheating on Daisy with another woman that also happened to be a married, Myrtle Wilson, wh...

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