The Effects of Environmental Manipulation on Different Learning Theories

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The Effects of Environmental Manipulation on Different Learning Theories


The environment plays a crucial role on our behaviour. Environmental

Manipulation is about the circumstances, people, things and events

around people that influence their life. The purpose of this paper is

to prove the affects environment has on behaviour and whether a

person’s behaviour is determined by their upbringing (nurture) or by

their genetic characteristics (nature). The research is important

because if we were to find that the way someone is, is controlled by

genetic factors then changing there behaviour will be extremely

difficult. On the other hand if their social background determined

someone’s behaviour then it could be far easier to deal with

behavioural problems. The essay will begin with the nature-nurture

debate. This will be followed by case studies. Learning theories of

Piaget and Vygotsky will also be discussed and finally an overall

conclusion will follow.



Nature vs. nurture has been an oscillating controversy in the field of

psychology for many years. Does one inherit genes, or does the

environment affect one’s genes? The basis of nature is the principle

that people have their personalities engraved inside their genes,

which are inherited from their parents. The basis of nurture is that

the environment plays a big role in the development of a person’s

personality. Both nature and nurture, therefore, play a crucial role

as the determining factors of one's intelligence, personality, and


Early studies have focused mainly upon the environmental influence,


... middle of paper ...

...icant effect on

the way that children cognitive processes have been studied and they

have also had a profound effect on education. It would be fair to say

that Vygotsky did not reject all of the elements of Piaget’s theory

but took the weak areas and strengthened them by taking into

consideration socio – cultural factors and language for example.


Gupta and Richardson, (1995) Children’s Cognitive and Language

Development, Blackwell Publishers Ltd in association with the Open


Wood, D. (1998) How children think and learn (Second Edition),

Blackwell Publishers

Sutherland, P (1992) Cognitive Development Today, Paul Chapman

Publishing Ltd

Harris J.R. (1999) The Nurture Assumption, Bloomsbury Publishers

Video : ‘Wild Child’

( 15 April 2005)

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