The Effects of Acupuncture

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Acupuncture is a very ancient Chinese method of healing that consists of the use of very fine needles and other devices to stimulate and balance the flow of energy through channels or meridians in the body. This method is very old in the Asian countries but new one in western countries. Acupuncture is the easiest medical method to heal in the world, and the negative side effects of this method are lower than other accepted medical procedures. In my term paper I will speak about the price of acupuncture comparing to hospitals. Also the diseases which can be cured by this magical method and the persons who are addict most by acupuncture. Moreover, the interaction between acupuncture and medicine as well to prove that acupuncture doesn't have negative side effect. Acupuncture is the easiest medical method to heal in the world, and the negative side effects of this method are lower than other accepted medical procedures.

The acupuncture's price is not very expensive so even unfortunate people can afford it. At a first glance, it may seem that acupuncture is much more expensive than going to hospitals. However, by a unique treatment of acupuncture you can heal a lot of diseases at the same time which implies a lower cost of money and time. Indeed, the price of the hospital is very expensive; it includes the charges of the doctor which is by it self too expensive. It also includes the charges of medicines which is not always covered by the mutual insurance company. Depending on countries the price of acupuncture is quit different from one single country to another one. Obviously acupuncture in poor countries is cheaper than those rich countries because it mainly depend of the currency of each country. For example, in morocco according to "the silhouette hospital" in Rabat, one sitting cost 200 Dirham which can cure many diseases at the same time. That shows that acupuncture doesn't require a lot of money.

Acupuncture is a very efficient method to cure several diseases. The Cambridge Illustrated History (1996.p.302) summarized that acupuncture can help both physical symptoms and mental conditions. On the one hand physical symptoms (such as headache, sprains, strokes etc) can easily be cured thanks to acupuncture. On the other hand we find that mental condition can be curried by the previous method. Brigham (2000) argued "conditions that are said to benefit from these treatments include the effects of daily stress, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, aches and pains, allergies, menstrual etc,"(p.

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