The Effectiveness of William Shakespeare's Use of Supernatural in the Final Act of Richard III

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The Effectiveness of William Shakespeare's Use of Supernatural in the Final Act of Richard III

Richard III was written by William Shakespeare and tells the story of

how Richard III wants to become king and does everything in his power

to get there by assassinating members of his family to do so, for

example, the Duke of Clarence, Lord Hastings, Lady Anne, Lord Rivers,

the Duke of Buckingham, Henry VI, Prince Edward, Prince Edward V and

Prince Richard. The last Act contains many supernatural elements such

as ghosts of the people Richard III has murdered or got killed and

curses, for example, Buckingham remembering Margaret's curse,

prophecies and dreams, a message from the supernatural from the

future. Shakespeare may have used these supernatural events to

entertain his audience who would have believed in ghosts and that the

ghosts of the murdered family members have come to curse Richard.

The differences between Shakespeare's audience and today's audiences

are that Shakespeare's audience believed in the supernatural much

more. Ghosts, curses, prophecies and dreams were believed in when they

told something about the future and what it meant which were taken

literally. Today's audience don't believe in ghosts, curses and

prophecies as much. The audience interpret the supernatural things as

a representation and we may see it as an illustration of what's going

on in Richard's head. Shakespeare's audiences would have seen the

supernatural as evil spirits to curse Richard and to make him feel

guilty for what he has done to his family. However, the paranormal

still interests the modern audiences, for example miracles. The

paranormal is u...

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... we see

Richard is a villain because he generates the malevolence and violence

in the play, being efficient, imaginative, persuasive, intelligent and

confident and in control. The play tells the audience about the events

that took place, for example, the ghosts murdered cursing Richard just

before he goes to war with Richmond. This allows the audience to make

up their own mind if the supernatural affected Richard's conscience

and his guilt. I feel that the use of paranormal is effective because

it allows the audience to get into the character's minds and see what

they are thinking. This enables the audience to look at the characters

life and personality and how it has changed. For example, Richard's

personality changes from hostile and vicious to a self-pitying person

who realises that: "There is no creature loves me!"

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