The Effect Of Caffeine On Anxiety And Depression

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I am interviewing a person who is addicted to diet Coke which has caffeine in it. I cannot use the person real name so I am going to substituted with Mrs. L as the person name. Mrs. L is a 52 year old woman Mrs. L has drink Diet Coke for about 26 years. Her first Diet Coke was when she was 16. That Mrs. L drink about 44 ounce of Diet Coke a day or more a day. She was 27 when she tried to stop drinking Diet Coke when she heard it was bad to drink. She has been struggling to stop drinking diet Coke long time. Until recently her doctor told her that she needed stop drinking Diet Coke because the chemicals that were in the drink had a bad effect on your body. After that she decided that she needed to quit diet Cokes. I looked up online to see Affect caffeine withdrawals have people. I have found the symptoms for caffeine withdrawal are anxiety, irritation, headaches, depression, nervousness and lack of sleep. I only thought that caffeine withdrawal would affect just headaches but it was surprising to me that it can affect a lot more. …show more content…

So I looked multiple articles and journals on the Internet. Every single one I found said that caffeine affects anxiety and depression. To me it is still hard to believe that anxiety and depression could affect some people. When it comes to addiction it is not always easy to give up. It took several years before Mrs. L was able to get rid of her diction of having. Am had to relapse a couple times before she was able to give up her Diet Coke. Just like someone who was addicted to weed or harrowing it is not something you can just put

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