The Educating of Burger Joint Flippers and Burger Joint Owners

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There has long been a debate of weather which educational method creates a better, well-rounded, highly educated student: public school or home school. The differences between the methods of education are vast, but the goal is the same. I will hone in on three specific arguments, often the most typical, for the two sides. The high school student’s end result is up to him; however, I think the most defining question should be: do you want to be a burger joint flipper or a burger joint owner?
The clothing of students may seem like a petty point to make concerning the education of the next generation of leaders and the working force. If one has recently driven past a high school one will notice some of the popular trends students are choosing to wear. Many students look like walking advertisements for high end retail brands. Young men wear shirts and pants excessively large which clearly expose their underwear. Some ladies seem to choose the opposite in which less is more. Short shorts or skirts paired with skimpy, tight tops leave a distasteful impression of themselves on others. While not every student may succumb to these styles, the majority of students fall prey to this peer pressure of indecent trends.
Homeschool students, on the other hand, tend to dress much more modest. For the homeschool student it is a creative outlet to show others who they are rather than what is underneath. A respect for one’s self and others around is more evident in the student’s clothing choices, while still wearing self-expressive, trendy variations. Clothing choices are then determined upon the day’s activities instead of dressing to impress others. While the homeschool student does most of their education at home, they have many activities awa...

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...ts leave high school and only have skills to be a mediocre employee at a lower skill level job. Hopefully these students will learn quickly the value their education makes on their life outcomes.
Homeschool students outrank their public school peers in almost all areas. Their ability to dress respectfully, adapt well in conversing with others in all situations, and competency in all their subjects gives them the edge needed to enter the work force at a higher level and confidence to do so. Almost all homeschoolers go on to higher education and business ownership. I think we should all look at the structure of how homeschool students are educated and implement this structure into the public school sector. The next time you go to your favorite hamburger joint ask yourself, do you want more burger joint flippers or more students educated to be the burger joint owner?

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