The Ectopic Pregnancy

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Each year in the United States there are six million child births. Of the six million births in the United States 12,000 are said to be due to ectopic pregnancies. One in fifty women are likely to have an ectopic pregnancy (Diagnostics, Pregnancy). An ectopic pregnancy is a complication within the first trimester of pregnancy and normally symptoms begin to occur between the five to fourteen week periods (Diagnostics). Ectopic means “in an abnormal position” (Ectopic). An ectopic pregnancy is when the ovum is fertilized and begins to develop somewhere other than the uterus.

Diagnosis of an Ectopic Pregnancy

In order to know if a women’s pregnancy has become ectopic the doctor will do a few different things, such as, a pelvic exam, a blood test, or an ultrasound. A pelvic exam would determine the size of your uterus and feel for growths in the stomach. The doctor would notify a woman of any abnormalities, although, the doctor would also have to pass the woman through more exams to be positive. A blood test would determine the pregnancy hormone levels. After a few days the hormone should rise at a constant pace, if not, it would suggest abnormalities with the pregnancy. Lastly an ultrasound would clearly show the doctor the uterus, if the baby is absent then it would signify an ectopic pregnancy (Ectopic).

Causes of an Ectopic Pregnancy

The most common reason to how an ectopic pregnancy happens is when the fallopian tube has a blockage and it causes a hindrance which prevents the ovum from traveling to its destination, and therefore, it embeds itself in the walls of the fallopian tubes (Ectopic).The fertilized ovum may develop in places such as the ovary, cervix, or even a C-section scar. The most likely place ...

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... Retrieved from

Ectopic Pregnancy - American Family Physician. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Ectopic Pregnancy | University of Maryland Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Healthy Outlook: Don't Give Up After Tubal Pregnancy - Contra Costa Health Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The mother who risked everything to have her ectopic baby | Mail Online. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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