The Dominance Of Women In The Film Mulan

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Women have to cope with the dominancy of men. This means that they have to change how they speak, act, and live in order to feel powerful and equal to the men that are controlling them. When I say men, I am speaking and will be speaking as men as a gender. Of course, not all men are power seekers and are dominant. The male gender however, is a very dominant force to be reckoned with. Muted theory recognizes that the subordinates are being muted due to their
Muted Group Theory 3

position of power against greater dominance. This theory can also be taken from an ethnicity group perspective, but for application sakes, I will express the dominance in relevance to the female and male gender types.
All around the world male dominance is a problem. Specifically, in China, “there are young women who are commonly speaking through their young male charges and sons, attributing their own views and needs to them” (2). This means that women aren’t able to speak their own mind out loud. The men have the power, and control what the women are able to do. This isn’t equality, this is a force of dominance against women. Dominance isn’t just a state, it’s a problem of humanity (3). The muted theory “helps by addressing and illuminating the ways in which groups are muted, provides …show more content…

She wasn’t allowed to because was a woman. She was left powerless in the decision and was left at home while the men went to fight. Mulan proceeded to cut her hair off and transform into a man so she could fight. No one suspected a thing, and she was enlisted into the army. She fought strong and hard as a woman and won her battles. She was able to show the men and proved everyone wrong that women can fight. She fought against the mutiny forced upon her. Mulan went against the muted group theory and showed that groups can be powerless to others, but it can change and both groups can come together and be

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