The Dome Of Christ Is The True Center

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INTRODUCTION: CONFUSING PEOPLE WITH EACH OTHER. Have you ever confused people with each other? There are people who have very good memory, but there are other people like me who have very bad memory. So, in these months I am very grateful to you all for using the tags with your names that remind me your names. But going back to my question, have you ever confused people with each other? Or have you ever said a name instead of another name? I am sure all of us have ever committed any mistake confusing identities among several people. Sometimes these mistakes result in funny stories, on many occasions, these slips do not result in anything problematic, but at other times the results are very painful, also sometimes the results are embarrassing. …show more content…

Everything is thrown out of whack and we struggle to regain our center. Sometimes that means we have settled for something other than Christ on which to center our lives. Christ is the true center. But, that does not mean there will not be difficulties, pain, or losses. It means that when they occur the center holds and we all need a center that will hold. The Dome of the Rock, now a Muslim shrine, has significance for both Judaism and Islam. The rock at the center is, according to Muslim tradition, the spot where the prophet Mohamed ascended to heaven. According to Jewish tradition, the rock was the center of the Holy of Holies and the center of the world. It is said this is the rock to which Abraham came to sacrifice his son Isaac. In Jewish midrash, the rabbinic teaching and preaching on the scriptures, it is said that Israel is at the center of the world. At the center of Israel is Jerusalem. At the center of Jerusalem is the temple. At the center of the temple is the holy place. At the center of the holy place is the ark, the presence and glory of God. Underneath the ark is the foundation, the rock upon which all rests. The imagery of that midrash takes us deeper and deeper to the center of the center of the center. That is exactly what Jesus is doing with his questions in today’s …show more content…

Do not just answer his question. Go live the answer. Live with hope in the midst of despair. Love your neighbor as yourself. Though the gates of death open to you know that they cannot prevail. Care for the poor, feed the hungry, and defend the oppressed. Offer forgiveness despite your anger. Pray when you are too busy to pray. Love your enemies despite your fear. Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him. Practice generosity in a declining economy. Re-center even when it feels like you cannot stand up. Do these. Please remember Christ is the true rock on which we must build our

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