The Dolphin Riddle Summary

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Initial post: Voyager Golden Record, Pioneer plaques and Arecibo message are an example of how humans try to design messages for alien civilisations. The chances for an intelligent alien life to actually receive them is very small due to the light years of interstellar space that the message need to travel. The Voyager 2 probe traveling at current speed needs for instance about 38 thousand years to pass one star. The concept of how to send the message, and what to include in it cannot be answered simply. This can be illustrated by “The Dolphin Riddle”. This riddle was designed by Frank Drake to test if a simple message made by humans can be deciphered by humans. [1] Even though the message was very simple only one scientist could do it. To make the matters worse – we know that the 2nd most intelligent species of animals on Earth is the Dolphin. Dolphins have they're language, unique names and grammar, and yet we cannot understand them, which questions the whole concept of humans trying to contact even more alien species. The most widely accepted approach in communicating with alien intelligence is to use minimalistic message based on some universal facts, like the laws of physics, chemical elements, astronomy cartography or mathematics. …show more content…

Voyager Record for instance makes assumption that alien life can hear and see like we do, yet we know for instance that most life on Earth uses chemicals to transfer messages. Pioneer plaques uses an arrow to indicate the location from which the spacecraft originated, yet an arrow has its origin in human culture from the front of a spear, and even on Earth cultures who didn't use spears have no understanding what it means. And when it comes to what the message includes, all three of them never tried to send some inconvenient truths like that the human species is responsible for 6th mass extinction on our

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