The Doctrines of Kurt Vonnegut

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The Doctrines of Kurt Vonnegut

The writing of Kurt Vonnegut exhibits perception without

restriction and imagination without limitation. It surpasses mountains of

ignorance and rivers of innocence to extend emotions for society to

sympathize with reality. He incorporates his knowledge and view-points

into a variety of literary genres for everyone to learn of his inquiries

and philosophies. To draw readers into his sphere of influence, Kurt

Vonnegut administers an inflection on the present to state other tenses

(Schatt 148). From government to technology, he applies his ideas to all

subject matters, allowing all readers to comprehend his beliefs (Nichol

602). The literature of Kurt Vonnegut coincides with his sentiments

appertaining to human substantiality, altruistic love, and


A primary interrogation Vonnegut predominately accentuates is the

meaning of human existence; "What is the purpose of life?" (Holland 54)

Man must feel that he is "serving some purpose," that his life has

substance and significance (55). To find an answer to this question,

Vonnegut unwinds into the pages of his works, man's search for

substantiality, and his attempt at changing his destiny to obtain answers

through power.

Human nature possesses man to hunger for control, and without

dominance, man feels purposeless. By making him "powerless to alter his

destiny in any way," Vonnegut stresses an exploration for usefulness, and

the question of life's poignancy is seen w...

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...sp; all he could to make our marriage a happy one. EPICAC

gave me anniversary poems for Pat- enough for the next

500 years (Vonnegut, Welcome to the Monkey House 284).

EPICAC knew that fate did not allow him and Pat to be together. His

happiness came from the happiness he gave to her and sacrificed for his

best friend.

Feelings and beliefs do not necessarily need to come from

emotions, and in many of Vonnegut's work, it comes f

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