The Distinction Between the Mind and Body

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The Distinction Between the Mind and Body

Some would choose to declare that every human being is both a body and a mind. Both being gelled together until death, than having the mind go on to exist and the body being lifeless. A person lives throughout two collateral histories, one having to do with what happens to the body and in it, and the other being what happens in and to the mind. What happens to the body is public and what happens to the mind is private. The events which reply to the body consist of the physical world, and the events of the mind consist of the mental world. It has been argued whether a person can directly observe all or a select few of situations of one's own private history. According to the official doctrine by Descartes at least some of these situations one has direct and unchallengeable cognisance. It is ordinary to declare branching of two lives and of two worlds by stating that the things and events which belong to the physical world as well as one's own body are external. While on the other hand the work of owns mind are internal.

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