The Diet Of Counting Calories

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The portion diet is the most effective diet, especially compared to the other diets that many people have attempted. A lot of people have started the popular diet of counting calories. This diet has been proven to be ineffective. Wiatt explains that counting calories is not the best way to lose weight. As Wiatt tells her audience, “research shows that women routinely take in 20 percent more calories than they think they do…they underestimate what they eat by as many as 1,000 calories a day.” This research proves that counting calories doesn’t work because when you count calories you can mistakenly eat high calorie foods in your meal. This can be disastrous for the person trying to lose weight because they will be eating more calories than they think and they will gain weight. The opposite of the desired effect! An experiment done by Lisa Young also proves Wiatt’s point. Young was asked by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a study group in Washington D.C. on consumption of the public, to study how correctly expert dietitians are able to count the correct calorie consumption of a meal. The results were mind blowing. She explained to her audience that “we showed 200 dietitians five plates of food that are typically served in restaurants. We asked the dietitians to tally up the damage, and guess what? They had no idea how many calories were in these foods. Some underestimated the calories by as much as half.” If “experts” aren 't able to correctly judge the amount of calories that are being consumed, how are typical people just trying to lose weight expected to be able to accurately count the amount of calories that they are eating? Counting calories is difficult and by choosing to base your diet on the amount of calorie... ... middle of paper ... ...y of success with her own clients. She says, “I can tell you that my clients are losing plenty of weight by getting back to basics. They 're consuming fewer calories. The way they manage it is simple, really. It 's all about portion control.” Carrie provokes her audience to eat not only healthier but smarter. The effects of this eating style proves to be beneficial and could dramatically change your life. Carrie has worked with actor Matt Damon and he lost thirty pounds using the portion diet. Damon isn’t the only one who she has worked with, Carrie has worked with Sela Ward, Linda Hamilton, Alicia Silverstone, Alfre Woodard, and many more clients. If you stay committed, you will see results. Carrie says “You’re on your way, with no need for rigid meal plans.” Soon enough you will start seeing a difference if you tough out the difficulties and continue with the diet.

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