The Dichotomy Of Disney's Pocahontas, The Indian Princess

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This dichotomy was not emplaced to serve Indigenous woman, but to serve colonizers, modern “white man” and their quest of pleasure and ownership. During the time of colonization, the ‘Indian Princess’ played a key role. It helped the idea of converting Aboriginal ‘savages’ into the civilized English way of life.#1 (Isinamowin,1992, p.18) An opportunity to take an Aboriginal woman away from her people, on the behalf of colonizers. Thus, pleasing European males. Although, this notion is pretty outdated, this belief is still imposed today. #2 (Anderson, 2016, p.81) Disney, for an example and their movie Pocahontas, which pictures the main lead falling in love with a European explorer, who she saves from her people. Thus, leaving her ‘community’

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