The Devil Child Monologue

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I need a title When I first met my best friend, I thought he was something sent by the devil. Two of my closest friends claimed that he was awful, cruel, and the worst person they had ever met. Using my common sense, I stayed away; I never talked to him and I rarely even made eye contact with him. One night, though, as all of my friends were inside getting snacks and socializing, I lay outside alone and stargazed, in excruciating pain from a migraine. I was fine, although I will admit a bit lonely. I heard footsteps coming my way, and when I looked over, it was “The Devil Child”. I was ready to be ridiculed for my peculiar behavior. Instead, he bent down, asked how I was, offered me water, and ended up laying down next to me, effortlessly using all of the empathy in the world to do what little he could for me. I looked at him in the darkness and whispered, “you know, you aren’t the jerk I thought you were”. From this instant, my hatred of him was dissolved and left space for one of the most wonderful friendships I have ever had. We have helped each other through the worst and darkest points of our lives, and without him, I would be lost. If I had only opened my mind sooner and ignored my friends’ opinions, avoiding prejudgements and unnecessary hatred, I would have realized he was just …show more content…

To make false presumptions about someone based on their skin color, gender, religion, or many other factors is so common. It’s disgusting that we do this to others, but it does happen. Hate crimes in the United States are common, caused by racism and religious bias. We have police killing unarmed African Americans because of racial bias, unequal pay for women, our president has discriminated against transgender people, attempting to ban them from the military services, the list goes on and on. But why? Why do we discriminate? Shouldn’t the United States be a “melting pot” that accepts

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