The Depression Of The Mccourt Family Depression

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McCourt Family Depression

The great depression was one of the worst economical crisis in United States, it took

place in 1930 and lasted until middle 1940s, preceding world war 2, it was the deepest,

the longest and most impressive depression of the 20th century, people went crazy

because there were not stable jobs and everyone was almost in bankruptcy. The McCourt

family was living a very hard time in New York city were Malachy and Angela met and

married, Malachy was having a lot of trouble with alcoholism, he was losing a lot of jobs

and their economical part wasn’t good, because he spent their money in pubs and alcohol

instead of spending that money in his children, Angela was in a kind of emotional

depression and their future wasn’t looking well, they had to change their environment so

they decided to go back to Ireland because the situation they were living in United States

was critical, was it their best option?

Going back to Ireland was a good idea, because in United States they were living the

great depression therefore Malachy’s problem made their situation even more critical, he

didn’t had a job and the low amount of money he had, he spent it in alcohol so it wasn’t

fair to Angela and their children, that’s the reason it was a good idea to go back to

Ireland, also because they needed a change of environment, in United States they had a

tense environment, they needed to start a new life, to settle in a different place, and I

think it was a good opportunity for Malachy to make a reflexion and erase all the bad

things he was doing and make them right in Ireland. Taking into account their main

reason to go back to Ireland was the death of their little daughter, it was a boom for their

... middle of paper ... in USA to try to start a new life with a different environment,

but sadly Malachys problem continued and it was even worst so their life was miserable

and that’s why Frank described his childhood as miserable, they had to overcome a lot of

problems and it didn’t went as they imagined.

Comparing United States and Ireland situation we can conclude that both country’s were

facing really hard times and it was difficult to identify wether it was a good idea to return

to Ireland, but I found out that it was necessary for the McCourts family to change of

environment and try to remake their life in Limerick Ireland, so I think it was a good

idea, even if it didn’t happened as they wanted, it was really difficult to identify which

option was the best but I think I gave enough arguments to demonstrate that returning

back to Ireland was the best option.

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